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Arena V.3 is out now! But what's new?

You might have seen that the latest rendition of League of Legends' newest mode, Arena, is out, but you're probably wondering what's new with this version. So here I am to clear up exactly that.

With the newest iteration of Arena, we are getting eight teams of 2, meaning that 16 players can now play in the arena compared to the 8 total previously.

The New UI of the latest iteration of Arena

There is a new UI that makes it easier to scout your specific opponent and keep track of exactly what's going on with each team. You can see the opponent you are up against alongside their match history, augment selections, and builds. You can still check out other teams by clicking on their team icon on the right side next to their health bar.

prismatic items

The largest change may be introducing prismatic items into the Arena. Similar to TFT, these items are extremely strong items that everyone can get a choice from. On specific rounds, rather than selecting an augment, players will be presented with a choice of prismatic items that can easily change your build or make it perfect. Hopefully, this will help make the game mode feel less predictable and stale.

Item anvil
Example of what a raw stat anvil selection is like

Another change to the Arena is the addition of anvils, which will come in the form of a consumable, allowing you to choose a prismatic item, legendary item, or a random raw stat upgrade based on which anvil you choose.

New shop area for Arena

Lastly, a new map and starting area have been added to the arena. All of it is meant to fit bigger teams and more players to coincide with the new 16-man arena.

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