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Best Way To Kill All Hell Divers 2 Automaton Enemies.

With the Automatons becoming the main focus of most players now that the Terminid Weekly mission is complete, you may need some assistance dealing with them. Especially since the defend missions can get extremely overwhelming. So today, I have a list of each enemy and the best way to kill them!


  • Trooper

    • This is the most basic of the Automatons, a basic gun wielder.

      • Easily killed with a headshot, 3-5 body shots.

Trooper Helldivers 2

  • Raider

    • Another basic Automaton, except this one, carries a machine gun. It can kill you easily as it will rapidly fire at you.

      • Easily killed with a headshot, 3-5 body shots.

Rocket Raider Helldivers 2

  • Rocket Raider

    • As basic as they seem, they are one of the biggest pains and the easiest to die to. The Rocket Raider wields a rocket launcher that can one-shot you. But if they miss, they have a long reload time.

      • Easily killed with a headshot, 3-5 body shots.

Assault Raider Helldivers 2

  • Assault raider

    • A variant of the Raider that has a jump pack used to get right in front of you. As all Automatons explode on death, this can be dangerous if they are right in your face.

      • Easily killed with a headshot, 3-5 body shots.

Brawler Helldivers 2

  • Brawler

    • These bots carry double swords and will sprint after you; they also block melee attacks and will try to block bullets from a close range.

      • Easily killed with a headshot, 3-5 body shots.

Marauder Helldivers 2

  • Marauder

    • No different than the Raider.

      • Easily killed with a headshot, 3-5 body shots.

Commissar Helldivers 2

  • Commissar

    • Wields a knife and handgun and noticeably calls in dropships. All Automatons can call in Dropships, but the Commissar is the main one that does so.

      • Easily killed with a headshot, 3-5 body shots.

Scout Strider Helldivers 2

  • Scout Strider

    • One of the more plentiful enemies that are a pure nuisance. These enemies ride an AT-AT-looking machine.

      • It requires one headshot to kill the operator; the easiest way to attack the operator is to flank it and hit it from behind. The operator hides behind the shielded cockpit, but the back is open. So it would be best if you were elevated to headshot it or flank it.

Berserker Helldivers 2

  • Berserker

    • This gangly yet large bot wields two chainsaws and sprints quickly at you.

      • Their weak spot is their arms, shoot off the arms, and they can't attack. However, it is relatively easy just to kill them with headshots. They are best killed with medium armour-penetrating weapons like the Liberator AR or the Jar-5 Dominator.

      • I do not think the Berserker is much of a threat, and I use my standard weapon.

Devastator Helldivers 2

  • Devastator

    • This thick boi suit comes in three variations and is one of the worst enemies.

      • Normal variation has machine guns.

        • Shoot them in the head to kill them quickly.

      • Rocket Devastator has a volley missile launcher on its back and is the most dangerous. One barrage, and you are gone. They will stay away from you and fire missiles at you that, even if they miss can still deal splash damage.

        • Prioritize this enemy and use headshots to get them out quickly.

      • Shield Devastator is the one that carries a large shield and a minigun. They have heavy armour as well.

        • It will require armour piercing, or you need to flank them and aim for the back of the head.

Rocket Devastator Helldivers 2
Shield Devastator Helldivers 2

Hulk Bruiser Helldivers 2
  • Hulk

    • These massive suits of armour are nearly impossible to kill from anywhere due to their insane amount of armour.

    • Hulk bruiser

      • Weilds dual assault rifles and are very dangerous, but not as much as the others.

        • It can be killed with anti-tank weapon headshots or destroy the glowing exhaust grills on its back. You can destroy their arms as well.

Rocket Hulk Helldivers 2

    • Hulk Liberator

      • As you would expect, they have a volley missile launcher on their back and are the most dangerous. One barrage, and you are gone. The Liberator will sit back and launch rockets at your entire team.

        • They can be killed with anti-tank weapon headshots, or destroy the glowing exhaust grills on their back, or their arms can be destroyed. Use the railgun.

Hulk Scorcher Helldivers 2

    • Hulk Scorcher

      • My least favourite, these are fast af and will sprint you down as they melt you with their massive flamethrower that somehow has a pretty decent range. They also have an axe melee arm that can end you.

      • It can be killed with anti-tank weapon headshots. Or you can kill it by flanking it and destroying the glowing exhaust grills on its back. The best weapon by far is the railgun.

Drop ship Helldivers 2

  • Dropship

    • While this enemy type doesn't necessarily target you, what it does do is drop off hordes of enemies. If you destroy it, however, all of the enemies die.

      • One rocket to one of the engines, and it will come crashing down.

Annihilator tank Helldivers 2

  • Annihilator Tank

    • This is the traditional tank, one giant cannon, and thankfully, it is slow to rotate.

      • On the back, there are some vent grills, which are weak spots. Shoot these, or you can opt to use Anti-Tank weaponry and just hit it wherever.

Shredder tank Helldivers 2
  • Shredder Tank

    • This tank comes equipped with some mounted flak guns and a much faster rotation speed, making this one a much more challenging beast.

      • The Shredder does have the same weak point, but with the cannon moving faster and the flak guns atop, it is much harder to reach the back. Using anti-tank weaponry or stratagems is the best way to destroy it if you can't get to the back.

Cannon turret Helldivers 2
  • Cannon Turret

    • These massive turrets are the bane of my existence. These cannons will lock onto you and decimate you when they spot you.

      • Your best bet is to sneak up and destroy it with either a stratagem, grenades, heavy weaponry, or an anti-tank weapon. The back is its weak point, but getting to the backside is often tricky as it sits inside an Automaton base.

Best Weapons and Stratagems for Automatons

Breaker Shotgun Helldivers 2


  • Breaker shotgun

    • Best primary in the game, has high damage, surprisingly good range, and penetrates armor.

  • Liberator

    • The starting assault rifle is super useful in almost every scenario and is more than capable of killing off the hordes you will face.

  • Liberator Penetrator

    • A medium penetration assault rifle that is a slight upgrade of the starting rifle.

  • Diligence Counter Sniper

    • An extremely lethal sniper that can allow you to deal with some of the larger enemies more easily. Especially the Automaton foes.

  • Redeemer Pistol

    • This Uzi-like secondary weapon mows down the hordes and is extremely beneficial to take when you have a sniper or shotgun as your primary. Useful for bursting down a Berserker that gets up close and personal.

  • High explosive grenade

    • It may be your starting grenade, but it has good armour penetration and high damage.

  • Jar 5 Dominator

    • This Shotgun is capable of explosive damage and has the highest damage output in the game.

Dominator Helldivers 2


Railgun Helldivers 2

  • Railgun

    • I don't think there is a person out there who would debate the Railgun being the best weapon in the game; it destroys armour like it's nothing, has a good amount of ammo, and can be put into unsafe mode to further its killing potential.

  • Guard Dog Rover or Machine Gun Rover

    • This little backpack buddy follows you around, and either uses a laser or a Liberator to mow down enemies. Super helpful for dealing with less tanky enemies while you duke it out with the big guys. The main difference between the two types is that the laser doesn't need ammo but has less damage; the machine gun uses your supply of primary ammo to reload but has more damage. So both are excellent choices.

  • Eagle 500KG bomb

    • This nuke-like bomb is the best boss killer, but you need to be proficient with it, as if you do not aim it properly, it can be useless against things such as the Hulk.

  • Shield Generator Pack

    • This stratagem is perfect for battling the bots as it blocks a majority of projectiles, something the bots shoot a lot of.

  • Auto-cannon Sentry

    • Has excellent range and can help you take down the biggest enemies; you just need to make sure you protect it.

  • Eagle Airstrike

    • The eagle is extremely useful for defence missions right now, as it can wipe out a lot of enemies in a wide radius. Perfect for those endless hordes of bots.

  • Expendable Anti-Tank

    • I said plenty of times that you need anti-tank weaponry, so here it is.

  • Mortar sentry

    • In a defence mission, the mortar sentry can wipe out entire fields of enemies in a single blast, pair it with an EMS mortar sentry, and no enemies will get to you. Be careful of it killing your allies, though.

Mortar sentry Helldivers 2

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