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League Beginners Guide: 3 Junglers to Ease into the Jungle

Welcome to the exciting world of jungling in League of Legends! As a jungler, you have a unique role, filled with strategic decisions, map control, and pivotal in-game moments. Let's dive into the basics of jungling, highlighting key aspects and tips for beginners using Warwick, Amumu, and Master Yi.

1. Warwick

Warwick abilites
  • Abilities:

    • Passive - Eternal Hunger:

    • Warwick's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage. If Warwick is below half health, the bonus damage heals him for the same amount.

  • Q - Jaws of the Beast:

    • Warwick dashes to an enemy, bites them, and heals for some of the damage dealt. Holding down the Q key causes Warwick to leap behind the target.

  • W - Blood Hunt:

    • Passive: Warwick senses enemies below half health, gaining movement speed and attack speed against them.

    • Active: Warwick briefly senses all enemies and then locks onto the one with the lowest health, regardless of their health.

  • E - Primal Howl:

    • Warwick takes reduced damage for a short duration. At the end of the duration, or if re-activated, Warwick howls, fearing nearby enemies.

  • R - Infinite Duress (Ultimate):

    • Warwick leaps in a direction, suppressing the first enemy champion he collides with. Warwick deals damage and heals for the damage dealt during the leap.

  • Why for Beginners?: His straightforward kit, healing and strong duelling make him a safe pick for learning jungle mechanics. Warwick excels in one-on-one combat, so you're able to learn how to invade the enemy's jungle and play for objectives without relying on your team, thanks to his lifesteal.

2. Master Yi

Mater Yi Abilities
  • Abilities:

  • Passive - Double Strike:

    • Every few basic attacks, Master Yi strikes twice.

  • Q - Alpha Strike:

    • Master Yi becomes untargetable and leaps across enemies, dealing damage to each one hit. This ability can critically strike and deals bonus damage to minions.

  • W - Meditate:

    • Master Yi channels restoring health over time. While channelling, Master Yi gains damage reduction. This ability can be cancelled early.

  • E - Wuju Style:

    • Passive: Increases Master Yi's bonus attack damage.

    • Active: Master Yi deals bonus true damage with his basic attacks for a short time.

  • R - Highlander (Ultimate):

    • Master Yi gains massively increased movement speed and attack speed for a short duration. Kills and assists extend the duration of Highlander. While active, Master Yi is immune to movement-slowing effects.

  • Why for Beginners?: Teaches the fundamentals of jungle farming and timing in fights. As well, Yi has movement abilities, healing and, when ahead, is very hard to deal with.

3. Amumu

Amumu Abilities
  • Abilities:

  • Passive - Cursed Touch:

    • Amumu's basic attacks curse his enemies, causing them to take bonus true damage from incoming magic damage.

  • Q - Bandage Toss:

    • Amumu throws a bandage in a straight line. If it hits an enemy unit, Amumu pulls himself to them, dealing damage and stunning them briefly.

  • W - Despair:

    • Amumu cries, emitting an aura of damage that scales with the enemy's maximum health.

  • E - Tantrum:

    • Passive: Amumu takes reduced physical damage from basic attacks.

    • Active: Amumu releases his anger, dealing damage to surrounding enemies. This cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds every time Amumu is hit by a basic attack.

  • R - Curse of the Sad Mummy (Ultimate):

    • Amumu entangles surrounding enemy units in bandages, dealing damage and applying his curse. Enemies are also rooted and cannot use auto-attacks or movement abilities.

  • Why for Beginners?: Excellent for understanding the role of a jungler in team fights and objective control with strong area-of-effect abilities, strong crowd control and a game-changing ultimate. Amumu also has a great clear (killing the camps in your jungle) due to his AOE abilities.

Layout of the Jungle in league of legends with all Jungle camps highlighted in yellow, buffs in red and blue, and baron in purple.

Understanding the Jungle Role

1. The Jungle Area:

  • The space between the lanes, filled with neutral monsters, aka your camps.

  • Provides gold, experience, and unique buffs when cleared.

2. Objectives:

  • Buffs: Blue Sentinel (Blue Buff) for mana/energy regeneration, Red Brambleback (Red Buff) for health regeneration and slow on attacks.

  • Epic Monsters: Dragons, Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor offer significant team advantages. Each of these gives a different buff to your team. Rift Herald gives you a placeable eye that spawns the Herald that charges at enemy towers. Each Dragon has its own unique team buff, and once you kill four of them you gain the soul, which provides a large permanent buff. Baron Nashor empowers your entire team, boosting their stats and empowering your minion waves.

3. Ganking:

  • Assisting lanes by surprising enemy champions, leading to kills or summoner spell usage.

4. Map Awareness:

  • Continuously monitor the map to make informed decisions about ganks, objective control, and enemy jungler tracking.

Tips for Beginner Junglers

1. Start Right:

  • Understand the best starting path for your champion. Generally, start with the bottom-side buff for a better leash (help from team).

2. Efficient Clearing:

  • Learn how to clear jungle camps effectively and healthily. Watch champion guides for specific tips.

3. Ganking:

  • Look for overextended enemies or lanes where your teammates have crowd control.

  • Communicate with laners before ganking.

4. Warding and Control:

  • Use wards to track the enemy jungler and protect against invades.

  • Control wards are crucial for objective control.

5. Adaptation:

  • Be flexible with your pathing based on lane states and enemy jungler movements.


Jungling is a dynamic and impactful role in League of Legends. As a beginner, mastering champions like Warwick, Amumu, and Master Yi can provide a solid foundation for learning the intricacies of the jungle. Remember, practice is key, and each game is a new opportunity to improve your skills. Happy juggling!

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