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League Beginners Guide: Understanding Champion Roles and Lanes

Updated: Dec 27, 2023

Welcome to the second part of our Beginner's Guide to League of Legends. In League of Legends, each player in a team takes on a specific role, with each role having unique responsibilities and playing styles. These roles are defined by the lane or area of the map where the player primarily operates. Understanding these roles is crucial for beginners as it forms the foundation of team strategy and gameplay dynamics.

All 5 role icons in league of legends. Top, Jungle, Mid, ADC, Support in gold and brown colors

Top Lane: The Isolated Duelist

The top lane is often considered the most isolated part of the map, typically occupied by tanks, bruisers, or the occasional ranged champion. Top laners are expected to be self-sufficient, often engaging in one-on-one duels. They play a vital role in late-game team fights and often act as front-line champions who can absorb damage and initiate engagements. If you prefer to rely on your ownlls, play champs that love to get in close-range brawls or take as much damage as possible, then the top lane may be the right lane for you.

5 top laners, Cho'Gath, Riven, Garen, Irelia, Darius

Key Responsibilities:

  • Engage in one-on-one battles and secure kills.

  • Maintain control over top lane objectives.

  • Join team fights, either by teleporting in or by pushing the lane and roaming.

  • Wave management (manipulating and managing waves properly is the key to achieving higher ranks while playing top lane, but this is more advanced and will be explained in a dedicated post).

Jungle: The Unseen Threat

Junglers play between the lanes, utilizing the areas filled with non-player characters (monsters/Jungle camps) to gain gold. They have the most dynamic role, responsible for assisting all lanes through surprise attacks called ganks. Junglers also play a crucial role in securing major neutral objectives like the Dragon and Baron Nashor. If you prefer to influence the whole map, play assassins, tanks, marksmen, really almost any champ, jungle may be for you! However, keep in mind the jungle is often the most influential role early to mid-game and on all objectives, so it can be a lot of pressure to have the whole team on your back, especially if things go poorly.

5 Junglers, Sejuani, Rammus, Skarner, Zac, Amumu

Key Responsibilities:

  • Secure jungle resources and level up.

  • Assist lanes by ganking and creating pressure.

  • Control major neutral objectives and provide vision for the team.

Mid Lane: The Versatile Powerhouse

Mid laners occupy the center lane, which offers access to other parts of the map. This role is often filled by mages or assassins capable of dealing significant burst damage or controlling the fight. Mid-laners must balance farming (killing minions for gold) with roaming to assist other lanes and the jungler with objectives. Perfect for mage and assassin players or those who love to dish out big damage and execute crazy combos, mid-lane is perfect.

5 Midlane champs, Ahri, Orianna, Twisted Fate, Yasuo, Zed

Key Responsibilities:

  • Achieve lane dominance through kills or pressure.

  • Roam to assist in ganks or objectives.

  • Provide significant damage output in team fights.

ADC (Attack Damage Carry): The Ranged Damage Dealer

ADCs are champions who deal sustained damage from a distance. Mainly dealing damage through auto-attacks. They are crucial in taking down objectives and enemy champions during team fights. However, ADCs are also vulnerable due to their generally lower health and defence, relying on their team, especially the support, for protection. The perfect role for anyone who loves strategic positioning and being the main damage source on their team.

5 adc champs, Ashe, Ezreal, Jhin, Miss Fortune, Vayne

Key Responsibilities:

  • Farm efficiently to build items quickly.

  • Position safely in team fights to deal consistent damage.

  • Focus on destroying turrets and objectives.

Support: The Unseen Hero

Supports play alongside the ADC in the bottom lane. Their primary role is to assist the ADC by providing heals and/or shields for allies or engaging onto enemies. Supports also play a crucial role in providing vision for the team by placing wards (items that grant vision) around the map.

5 support champions, Blitzcrank, Nautilus, Alistar, Tresh, Leona

Key Responsibilities:

  • Protect and assist the ADC and other team members.

  • Provide vision control to prevent enemy ganks.

  • Assist in securing objectives and participate in team fights.

  • Provide Shielding, Engage, Healing, Buffs, Crowd Control, etc. for the team.

The Importance of Synergy and Flexibility

Understanding these roles is just the first step. The key to success in League of Legends lies in how these roles work together. Teams must have a good balance of damage, defence, crowd control, and support abilities. Players should also be flexible, adapting their playstyle according to the team’s needs and the evolving dynamics of the game. In some games, you will play against an unfavourable matchup, and you have no choice but to play safe and let the enemy do what they please. But in times like those, you must be able to adapt and find a different way to help your team, be it roaming to the bot lane (bottom lane) or top or to mid (depending on your lane) to get an advantage.

Adapting to the Game's Flow

As the game progresses, the importance of lanes diminishes, and team coordination becomes crucial. Players must transition from focusing on their individual lanes to engaging in team fights and securing objectives as a group. The ability to adapt to different game phases and work as a cohesive unit often determines the outcome of a match. It is important to note you need to keep farming even after the laning phase ends; it will always be your most reliable source of gold, and you always need gold to get stronger.

Conclusion: Mastering the Roles for Strategic Advantage

This post has provided an overview of the different roles in League of Legends, each with its unique responsibilities and playstyle. As you progress in your League journey, understanding these roles will not only enhance your individual skills but also your ability to contribute effectively to your team’s strategy. In our next guide, we will delve deeper into other aspects of League of Legends, helping you to further develop your skills and understanding of this complex and exciting game.

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Next Post: 3 champions for every role.

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