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League Beginners Guide: What is League of Legends

Updated: Dec 27, 2023

Welcome to my newest series, The League Beginners Guide. This series will be comprised of many posts giving you a deep dive into how to play League of Legends. In this article, we will be going over a bit of history on League of Legends as well as the point of the game, and the core aspects of it.

A Brief History of League of Legends

League of Legends orignal Art

League of Legends, often abbreviated as LoL, emerged in the gaming world in 2009, developed by Riot Games. It revolutionized the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) genre, quickly gaining a massive following due to its compelling gameplay and strategic depth. The game's origins trace back to the modding community of Warcraft III, specifically to a mod called "Defense of the Ancients." Inspired by this, Riot Games aimed to create a standalone game that emphasized teamplay and strategy. Thus League was born.

The Evolution of League

Over the years, League of Legends has undergone significant changes, constantly evolving to improve the player experience. These include updates to the game's graphics, and user interface, and the introduction of new game modes. Although these changes often do come with a bit of backlash such as when game modes are removed (bring back Twisted Treeline and Dominion)!! The champion roster has continuously expanded, introducing a diverse range of characters, each with its own unique backstory and playstyle. In fact including League of Legends' newest champion Hwei (check out our Hwei guide) there are 166 champions in the game. Yeah, there's a lot. Even the map is changed from season to season, below is the new map for 2024.

2024 League Map

Impact on Esports

League of Legends has also played a pivotal role in the evolution of esports. With its first World Championship held in 2011 (often referred to as "Worlds"), it paved the way for large-scale professional gaming tournaments. Today, the League of Legends Championship Series is one of the most prestigious esports competitions, attracting millions of viewers worldwide. Worlds this year had a peak viewership of 6.4 million and had popular team T1 host the championship trophy.

Understanding the Basics of League of Legends

At its core, League of Legends is a team-based strategy game where two teams of five players compete to destroy the opposing team's Nexus, a structure located at the heart of their base. The game merges elements of RTS (Real-Time Strategy) and RPG (Role-Playing Game), demanding both strategic planning and quick in-game decision-making.

original League esports image

The Game's Objective

Each match is a fresh start, with players selecting their champions before entering the battlefield. The primary objective is to outmaneuver the opposing team and eventually destroy their Nexus. However, achieving this is not straightforward. Players must navigate through lanes where they must destroy towers, control areas of the map, defeat minions (non-player characters) for gold, buy items, and use those items to engage in tactical battles with the opposing team.

Champions: The Heart of League

A unique aspect of League of Legends is its vast array of champions. Each champion has a distinct set of abilities, strengths, and weaknesses (although when you start out it may feel like some enemy champs have no weaknesses). This diversity allows for endless strategic possibilities and requires players to not only understand their chosen champion but also anticipate and counter the strategies of their opponents.

Game Modes and Maps

While the standard game mode, Summoner's Rift, remains the most popular, League of Legends offers various other modes like ARAM (All Random All Mid) and rotating special game modes. Each mode offers a different playstyle and objectives, catering to a wide range of player preferences.

Screenshot of the current League of legends game modes

The Core Gameplay

A typical match in League of Legends involves strategic planning, skillful execution, and teamwork. Players must balance offensive and defensive tactics, knowing when to engage in battles and when to retreat. In League, there are 5 roles and 4 lanes. Top lane, Mid lane, Jungle, and Bottom lane. Concerning the lanes, the 5 roles are Top laner, Mid laner, Jungler, Attack Damage Carry (known as the ADC), and support. The ADC and support share the bottom lane while the other 3 roles go against the enemy solo. A normal game of League of Legends starts with a pick-and-ban phase where all players can ban one champion they do not want to play against, the players then take turns choosing what champ they want to play. A normal game will last anywhere from 15-60 minutes. Players will use Q, W, E, and R to use each of their champion's unique abilities as they attempt to kill enemies and win the game.

Laning Phase and Team Battles

The early game, or laning phase, focuses on players accumulating gold, by killing minions, getting tower plates, and killing enemy champions, doing so to gain an advantage in their respective lanes. As the game progresses, team battles become crucial. These skirmishes can occur over objectives like Dragons, which provide team-wide buffs, or Baron Nashor, a powerful creature whose defeat grants significant buffs and advantages to the team who slayed it.

The Importance of Strategy and Adaptation

Success in League of Legends hinges on the ability to adapt strategies on the fly. Teams must communicate effectively, coordinate their movements, and make split-second decisions to outplay their opponents. The game's dynamic nature means that no two matches are the same, providing a fresh and challenging experience each time.

Conclusion: Embarking on the League Journey

This introductory post has provided a glimpse into the intricate and fascinating world of League of Legends. As we continue this beginner's guide series, we will delve deeper into specific aspects of the game, including champion roles, the importance of map control, and advanced strategies. Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned player revisiting the basics, this series aims to enhance your understanding and appreciation of one of the most influential and enduring games in the esports arena.

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Next Post: Champion Roles and Lanes.

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