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League of Legends Returns to Cinematic Glory | 2024 Cinematic

Updated: Jan 16

Realistic Tryndamere
Image Via: Riot Games

In previous years, the start of season cinematic released by Riot Games has often been a thing of absolute beauty, but last year they kind of fumbled the bag. Releasing a cinematic that showed a 3D rendition of the map with an audio track of a child (I think) talking and occasionally a famous E-Sports line. Yes, that was literally all it was. Boring, emotionless, didn't get you hyped and didn't make you feel really anything. However, this year surprisingly, Riot released another amazing cinematic.

In this cinematic, we are presented with three different time periods, the past, present and future.

The first scene takes place in the past in Demacia, where we see Kayle and Morgana in full armour back shortly after they first ascended. This is identified by them each having one of their mother's swords! In the scene, we see Aatrox practically make them look useless. However, this all turns around as Morgana, as she, for the first time, allows her celestial powers to consume her. This causes chains to grip Aatrox and hold him while Kayle takes the sword Morgana received from her mother and uses both swords to bring forth the powers of the aspect of judgment. Basically, Morgana uses Q and R, and Aatrox is cc'ed for so long (pretty much game accurate, lol) that Kayle goes from basically level 5 to 16 and bam. All jokes aside, though, don't worry Aatrox fans. He did not die.

Next, we see a clip of the future where an old Yasuo is seen defending his village from invaders. In the clip Yasuo clearly hasn't used his wind technique for quite some time as he uses a staff until he gets his sword out and then uses the wind techniques to successfully stop the attack. Ultimately accepting his demise as an arrow from the Kindred is seen to strike Yasuo.

Finally, we see Tryndamere lying on the ground during a fight in the Freljord, this time period is the present. From the treeline Lamb (Kindred) emerges, and then Wolf (the other half of Kindred) jumps out at Tryndamere, the two fight while Lamb fires arrows at Tryndamere. Wolf fights Tryndamere in this scene as Wolf is the one who chases those who refuse to die. In reality, what is happening is Tryndamere is still fighting off the human combatants, but because Tryndamere is on the verge of death (but is clearly using his Ultimate, which can be identified by his red glowing eyes), Kindred appears to him as they are there to claim him due to Kindred being the essence of death. Finally, Kindred understands that it is not Tryndamere's time to die as Ashe, who is oathsworn to him, emerges from the fog and shoots the final two men attacking him.

And there you have it! The season 2024 cinematic broken down and explained! I am really hyped and ready to start playing and exploring all the new changes, but even as a diamond player, I'm probably going to wait a day or two for all the challenger players to escape lower elo so that I'm not getting pub-stomped, haha. Also, I wanted to mention on my part there won't be any major Season 14 breakdown articles.

So, with that said, get ready to grind and welcome to Season 14 of League of Legends! Good luck on the Grind!

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