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TFT Set 11 All Traits

With set 11 finally arriving, as you can expect there are a plethora of new elements, mechanics, and most importantly traits. Traits are one of the most important aspects of TFT as they shape how your team fights, who is on your team, how powerful your team is, what augments are useful and so much more. So what better way to prepare yourself for set 11 than to take a look at the 27 new traits. Some traits are very similar to previous ones which will help previous players understand and adapt to the newest set.


Dragonlord TFT description
  • After 8 seconds of combat, a Dragon strikes the board, dealing true damage to enemies and granting all allies Attack Speed for the rest of combat.

    • 2 Dragonlords: 5% HP True Damage and 20% Attack Speed

    • 3 Dragonlords: 10% HP True Damage and 30% Attack Speed

    • 4 Dragonlords: 15% HP True Damage with 1.5s stun, 30% Attack Speed

    • 5 Dragonlords: 25% HP True Damage and 40% Attack Speed


Fated TFT
  • Create a pair of Fated units that unlock a Fated bonus and give bonus HP to each other. (Below are what the champs provide).

  • Ahri - 25 AP

  • Aphelios - 25 AD

  • Kindred - 20% Attack Speed

  • Sett - 15% Omnivamp

  • Syndra - 11% Damage

  • Thresh - 25 Armor or Magic Resist

  • Yasuo - 400 Shield

  • 3 Fated: Pair gets the Fated Bonus

  • 5 Fated: Gain 120% Fated Bonus

  • 7 Fated: Gain 250% Fated Bonus


Dryad TFT
  • Provides bonus AP and health to Dryads, as well as additional health for each enemy death.

    • 2 Dryads: Gain 10 AP and restore 4 Health per Unit Kill

    • 4 Dryads: Gain 20 AP and restore 4 Health per Unit Kill

    • 6 Dryads: Gain 30 AP and restore 4 Health per Unit Kill


Fortune TFT
  • Fortune is your new econ trait, when you lose a fight you gain luck, once activated you roll a die and whatever number it shows is how many turns until a Festival. At the Festival you can spend your luck on rewards.

    • 3 Fortune: Gain Luck on Losses

    • 5 Fortune: Heal 2 players health at the start of combat

    • 7 Fortune: Each Festival, roll a new die


Ghostly TFT
  • After dealing or taking damage 7 times your Ghostly units release two spectres that haunt nearby enemies, dealing bonus damage and healing Ghostly units 4.5% max health every 2 seconds, increasing with each breakpoint.

    • 2 Ghostly: 5% per Spectre

    • 4 Ghostly: 11% per Spectre

    • 6 Ghostly: 18% per Spectre

    • 8 Ghostly: 36% per Spectre


Heavenly trait in tft
  • Heavenly units give your team stat bonuses based on their star level and the number of Heavenly units on your board. (Below are each units bonuses).

  • Kha’Zix - 10 Crit

  • Malphite - 8 Armor/Magic Resist

  • Neeko - 60 Health

  • Qiyana - 10 AD

  • Soraka - 10 AP

  • Wukong - 12 AS

    • 2 Heavenly: 100% unique stat bonus

    • 3 Heavenly: 114% unique stat bonus

    • 4 Heavenly: 139% unique stat bonus

    • 5 Heavenly: 164% unique stat bonus

    • 6 Heavenly: 189% unique stat bonus

    • 7 Heavenly: 220% unique stat bonus


Inkshadow units TFT
  • With each breakpoint of InkShadow you are given an InkShadow item, the items change every game and each brake point provides more items, more bonus damage, and more damage reduction.

    • 3 Inkshadows: 1 item 5% bonus damage and damage reduction

    • 5 Inkshadows: 2 items 7% bonus damage and damage reduction

    • 7 Inkshadows: 4 items 10% bonus damage and damage reduction


Mythic units in tft
  • Mythic units gain health, AP, and attack speed. After four combat rounds Mythic units become Epic and increase these bonuses by 50%.

    • 3 Mythic: 11% Health and 10 AP

    • 5 Mythic: 18% Health and 15 AP

    • 7 Mythic: 25% Health and 20 AP

    • 10 Mythic: Instantly become Epic with 200% bonus


Porcelain trait tft set 11
  • Contrary to their name, Porcelain champs take less damage and gain attack speed after casting their ability.

    • 2 Porcelain: 30% Attack Speed and 15% Damage Reduction

    • 4 Porcelain: 60% Attack Speed and 20% Damage Reduction

    • 6 Porcelain: 100% Attack Speed and 30% Damage Reduction


Storyweaver trait TFT set 11
  • Upon activating Storyweaver, summon Kayle and choose one of three effects for her (AP for Kayle and two allies, Attack speed, or Healing). All Storyweaver's gain bonus health as well. Starring up units levels Kayle's star level.

    •  3 Storyweaver: Pick Supportive perk and 100 Health

    • 5 Storyweaver: Pick Combat Perk and150 Health

    • 7 Storyweaver: Pick Combat Perk  and 150 Health

    • 10 Storyweaver: Ascension and 250 Health


Umbral trait in TFT
  • The moon illuminates Hexes on the board that shield and grant a % health based execute on the units placed inside the moon hexes.

    • 2 Umbral: 250 Shield and execute enemies under 12% health

    • 4 Umbral: 500 Shield and execute enemies under 20% health

    • 6 Umbral: 750 Shield and Illuminate the entire board

    • 8 Umbral: 100% Loot drop chance and execute enemies under 25% health


Altruist trait in TFT
  • Altruist units heal the lowest health ally for 15% of the damage they deal, and your team gains armor and magic resist.

    • 2 Altruists: 10 Armor and Magic Resist

    • 3 Altruists: 10 Armor and Magic Resist

    • 4 Altruists: 40 Armor and Magic Resist


Arcanist trait TFT
  • Arcanists gain bonus AP and provide AP to all other allied units.

    • 2 Arcanists: 20 Ability Power to all team allies

    • 4 Arcanists: 40 AP to Arcanist; 20 AP to others

    • 6 Arcanists: 80 AP to Arcanist; 40 AP to others

    • 8 Arcanists: 8120AP to Arcanist; 100 AP to others


Behemoth Trait TFT
  • Behemoth units gain increased armor and magic resist. Anytime a Behemoth dies, the nearest Behemoth gains 50% extra for 5 seconds.

    • 2 Behemothts: 30 Armor and Magic Resist

    • 4 Behemothts: 45 Armor and Magic Resist

    • 6 Behemothts: 80 Armor and Magic Resist


Artist trait in TFT
  • Hwei gradually paints a one star copy of one of your units on your bench. This takes X many rounds to complete, with X being the cost of the unit. (Think of this as a really slow duplicator).


Bruiser Trait TFT
  • Like always, bruisers grant your team health and Bruisers get even more health.

    • 2 Bruisers: Gain 20% Bonus Health

    • 4 Bruisers: Gain 40% Bonus Health

    • 6 Bruisers: Gain 70% Bonus Health

    • 8 Bruisers: Gain 85% Bonus Health and 6% max HP bonus physical damage with their next attack every 4s.


Graet Trait in TFT
  • Wukong grows his weapon and modifies his abilities every 3 casts.


Duelist Trait in TFT
  • Duelist provides your team with attack speed every time they attack.

    • 2 Duelists: Gain 5% Attack Speed Per Strike

    • 4 Duelists: Gain 9% Attack Speed Per Strike

    • 6 Duelists: Gain 12% Attack Speed Per Strike and 12% Damage Reduction


Exalted Trait TFT
  • One of the neater new traits, Exalted gives your team bonus damage and after every combat 2XP is stored in a Soul Core, you can sell this soul core to claim the XP.

    • 3 Exalted: Gain 1% Damage per level

    • 5 Exalted: Gain 3%  Damage per level


Sage Trait in TFT
  • Allies in the front 2 rows gain Omnivamp, while units in the back 2 rows gain ability power.

    • 2 Sages: 11% Omnivamp / 15 AP

    • 3 Sages: 18% Omnivamp / 30 AP

    • 4 Sages: 30% Omnivamp / 45 AP

    • 5 Sages: 44% Omnivamp / 70 AP


Invoker Trait in TFT
  • Every 3 seconds your units gain Mana.

    • 2 Invokers: 5 Mana to all allies

    • 4 Invokers: 15 additional Mana to Invokers

    • 6 Invokers: 15 Mana to all units, additional 15 Mana to Invokers


Lovers Trait in TFT Set 11
  • If you place Xayah/Rakan in the front two rows, Rakan will be the unit on your board, Xayah will be the unit if you place them in the back two rows. Whoever is not on the board will assist from the sidelines.


Reaper Trait TFT Set 11
  • Reapers' abilities can critically strike and they get bonus Crit chance.

    • 2 Reapers: Gain +20% Critical Strike chance

    • 4 Reapers: Apply 60% bonus Damage Bleed for 3s

Spirit Walker

Spirit Walker TFT trait
  • When Udyr drops below 50% health he rages, healing him to full health and changing him to Tiger stance which changes his ability. (Udyr will eventually switch back and then this effect can happen again)


Warden trait in TFT
  • Wardens gain damage reduction, plus for the first 10 seconds of combat they gain an additional 12%.

    • 2 Wardens: 14% Damage Reduction

    • 4 Wardens: 26% Damage Reduction

    • 6 Wardens: 38% Damage Reduction


Trickshot Trait TFT
  • Trickshot unit's abilities ricochet, dealing a percentage of the damage.

    • 2 Trickshot: 1 Ricochet dealing 40%

    • 4 Trickshot: 2 Ricochets dealing 50%


Sniper Trait in TFT
  • Snipers gain 1 attack range and deal more damage the farther their target is.

    • 2 Snipers: Gain 7% Damage per Hex of distance

    • 4 Snipers: Gain 14% Damage per Hex of distance

    • 6 Snipers: Gain 30% Damage per Hex of distance

Well, with that, we have gone through every single trait in TFT Set 11. Some are super interesting and sound fun. While others are the same old traits from the past, but that isn't all that bad. Brush up, and head onto the PBE and start having some fun with TFT set 11!

All screenshots provided from Mobalytics Desktop App, courtesy of

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