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The #1 Guide To Bards For New Dungeons & Dragon 5e Players

Updated: Jan 18

Hey there, Board N' Byte family! It's Kevin, back again to guide you through the enchanting world of Dungeons & Dragons. This time, we're orchestrating a deep dive into one of the most versatile and charismatic classes in D&D 5e: the Bard. Whether you're serenading a tavern full of locals or weaving enchantments on the battlefield, Bards are the ultimate blend of artist, diplomat, and spellcaster.


Why Play a Bard?

Bards are the Swiss Army knives of D&D characters. They’re jacks-of-all-trades, masters of charm, and weavers of enchanting music. If you enjoy being the charismatic heart of your adventuring party, weaving tales as rich as your spells, and being able to handle almost any situation with flair, then the Bard is your go-to class.

Bardic Basics: Understanding the Core

Hit Points and Proficiencies: Bards, with their d8 hit dice, strike a balance between fragility and resilience. They're proficient in light armor, simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, and shortswords, plus they get to choose three skills. This flexibility is a Bard’s bread and butter.

Spellcasting: Ah, the cornerstone of the Bard's toolkit! Bards use Charisma for their spellcasting ability – think of it as using sheer force of personality to shape reality. Their magic is as versatile as their skill set, from mind-bending enchantments to powerful healing spells.

Bardic Inspiration: This is your main jam – a way to inspire your comrades. You can give an ally a bonus die (starting as a d6 and growing as you level up) to add to their rolls. It's like shouting, “You got this!” but with actual, tangible benefits.


Building Your Bard: Race and Background

Racial Traits and Benefits for Bards


A foot in two worlds but fully belonging to neither, Half-Elves combine human versatility with elven grace. Their mixed heritage grants them bonuses to Charisma and two other ability scores of your choice, making them naturally gifted Bards. With Darkvision, they can see in dim light, and their Fey Ancestry provides resistance to being charmed, ensuring they keep their wits about them. The cherry on top? Two extra skill proficiencies – a boon for any skill-loving Bard.

Ability Score Increase Your Charisma score increases by 2, and two other ability scores of your choice increase by 1. This natural boost to Charisma is a bard's dream, enhancing spellcasting and social interactions.

Darkvision See in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Perfect for those nocturnal performances or sneaky backstage maneuvers.

Fey Ancestry Advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. Handy for resisting the charms of fans and foes alike.

Skill Versatility Gain proficiency in two skills of your choice. This complements a bard's already diverse skill set, allowing for greater customization.


The jack-of-all-trades of the D&D races. Humans are as diverse as the many songs and tales a Bard might know. Their chief advantage lies in their adaptability, gaining a +1 to all ability scores, or a +1 to two ability scores and a bonus feat if you opt for the Variant Human. This flexibility lets you tailor your Bard to fit any role or backstory you can imagine.

Extra Feat (Variant Human) An additional feat at level one opens up a multitude of possibilities, from combat prowess to enhanced persuasive skills.


Shrouded in mystery and tinged with the supernatural, Tieflings offer a Bard an edgier, more enigmatic persona. With a natural boost to Charisma and Intelligence, they're cut out for the cunning and allure required of a Bard. Their Hellish Resistance provides some much-needed durability, and their Infernal Legacy grants them unique spells like Thaumaturgy, Hellish Rebuke, and Darkness, adding an arcane edge to their Bardic repertoire.

Ability Score Increase Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Intelligence

score increases by 1. The charisma boost is prime for bards, enhancing their core abilities.

Darkvision Useful for those late-night escapades or dimly lit tavern corners.

Hellish Resistance: Gain resistance to fire damage. Handy for those heated moments, both on and off the stage.

Infernal Legacy Access to thematic spells like Thaumaturgy, Hellish Rebuke, and Darkness. Adds a flair of the dramatic to your bardic repertoire.

Background Benefits for Bards

Your Bard's background sets the stage for their journey. It's not just about mechanical benefits; it's about who they are and where they come from.


he quintessential Bard background. Entertainers are performers at heart, whether they're dancers, singers, or poets. With skill proficiencies in Acrobatics and Performance and a tool proficiency in a musical instrument, you’re already a star on the stage. The "By Popular Demand" feature ensures you always have an audience and a place to rest, reflecting your character’s ability to captivate and charm.

Skill Proficiencies Acrobatics and Performance. These are perfect for a Bard, emphasizing physical agility and showmanship.

Tool Proficiencies One type of musical instrument. Bards and their instruments are an iconic duo, and this proficiency complements that bond.

Feature - By Popular Demand You can always find a place to perform, which means you and your party have an easier time finding lodging and gathering information.


If deception and disguise are part of your Bard's performance, the Charlatan background is a perfect fit. Skill proficiencies in Deception and Sleight of Hand, along with tool proficiencies in Disguise and Forgery Kits, allow you to create intricate lies and personas. The "False Identity" feature lets your Bard slip into different roles seamlessly, perfect for espionage or trickery.

Skill Proficiencies Deception and Sleight of Hand. Ideal for a Bard with a penchant for trickery and cunning.

Tool Proficiencies Disguise kit and Forgery kit. Perfect for creating false identities and manipulating documents, adding layers to your bard's backstory and utility.

Feature - False Identity You have a second identity complete with documentation, disguises, and contacts. This allows for intriguing roleplay and narrative opportunities.

The Bard Colleges: Diving Deeper into Haley's Destiny

In Dungeons & Dragons, the Bard College a character joins significantly influences their abilities and role in the party. Let's delve deeper into the two colleges that bards often gravitate towards: Lore and Valor.

College of Lore

Master of Versatility: Lore Bards are the quintessential jack-of-all-trades. They thrive on a diverse set of skills and knowledge.

Bonus Proficiencies: Choose three additional skills, reflecting a Lore Bard's wide range of expertise.

Cutting Words: A unique ability allowing Lore Bards to use their wit to undermine enemies, subtracting from their rolls.

Additional Magical Secrets: At 6th level, Lore Bards can learn spells from any class, showcasing their eclectic magical repertoire.

Roleplay Angle: Imagine Haley, as a Lore Bard, recounting ancient legends, deciphering long-lost languages, or mimicking voices and sounds with uncanny accuracy to lighten the mood or deceive foes.

College of Valor

Bards of Battle: Valor Bards blend artistry with martial prowess, often finding themselves in the heart of the fray.

Bonus Proficiencies: Gain proficiency with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons, turning Haley into a competent combatant.

Combat Inspiration: Valor Bards can inspire others in battle more effectively. Their Bardic Inspiration can now boost damage or bolster defense.

Extra Attack: At 6th level, Valor Bards gain the ability to attack twice, instead of once, further enhancing their combat capabilities.

Roleplay Angle: Haley, as a Valor Bard, might be found leading a charge with rousing battle hymns, her rapier dancing in harmony with her words, or using her music to soothe and heal wounds after a skirmish.

Haley's Choice: College of Valor

Given Haley's background and our adventure's nature, the College of Valor is a perfect fit. It provides a thrilling blend of swordplay and spellcasting, allowing Haley to be versatile in both combat and social encounters.

Ability Scores: Prioritizing Your Charisma

Charisma (CHA): Haley’s spellcasting and ability to influence others stem from her high Charisma. Roleplay example: Haley effortlessly charms a local guard to gather town gossip.

Dexterity (DEX): This affects Haley's agility and performance skills. Roleplay example: Haley deftly navigates through a crowded tavern to eavesdrop on a secret conversation.

Constitution (CON): Keeps Haley resilient. Roleplay example: Haley withstands a harsh storm while performing on deck during a sea voyage.

The remaining abilities – Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), and Strength (STR) – also play into roleplaying. For instance, a high INT could mean Haley is well-read, adding depth to her storytelling.

Haley’s Starting Equipment: A Bard’s Essentials

Rapier or Longsword: For a Valor Bard, a trusty sidearm is crucial.

Diplomat's or Entertainer's Pack: Contains all the necessary tools for a traveling performer.

Musical Instrument: The heart of Haley’s Bardic magic.


And there we have it - Haley, our Tiefling Bard, ready to embark on her journey. Through this guide, we've not only built a character but woven a story. Remember, in D&D, the joy lies in the journey and the tales you create along the way.


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