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Top Champion Duos to Dominate the Arena in League of Legends

Updated: Jan 1

We all love League of Legends' newest game mode addition, Arena, but with Arena leaving with the end of the winter blessed event on January 8th, 2024 (Woah, that feels weird to say, 2024, too soon) you might be wondering what some of the top champion duos are to escape wood tier or even hit gladiator!

A coliseum with vibrant colors and in the center a viewing box with two giant streaks or blue and red meeting in the middle of the arena

Individual Champions

If you're heading into the arena solo, it's not always the easiest to get proper synergies with a random player, so why not just choose a champion that is perfectly suited to dominate the Arena by themselves?

Kayn from League of Legends

  • Kayn

    • Believe it or not, Kayn has the second-highest win rate in the Arena, placing top two 55.7% of the time. Better yet, 32.5% of the time he wins the entire match!

    • With Kayn, you have some insane damage, while also being able to disengage and run through walls or even disappear for a moment with your ult. It's an all-in-one package.

    • Taking red Kayn is the way to go, as you'll often encounter bruisers and tanks in Arena, but blue Kayn can't hurt either. Even with red, you buy an Eclipse, so it's a beautiful mix of the two anyway. After Eclipse, build a few bruiser items like Sterak's Gage, Death's Dance, or Black Cleaver and mix in any lethality items depending on if you need more damage or survivability. My top choice has to be getting Hellfire Hatchet, this item is perfectly suited for Kayn in the Arena. It gives healing, applies a burn, gives you omnivamp and lethality, what more could you want?

Veigar from League of Legends

  • Veigar

    • Boasting almost identical win rates as Kayn is Veigar. the only difference is that Veigar has a 54.7% top-two rate.

    • You can not go wrong choosing Veigar, your cage is the perfect ability for Arena as the map is small, and there are so many ways to have opponents hit it. Plus, with so many good augments for Veigar, your ult is sure to decimate people.

    • Ludens is the easy choice for mythic, but it's best to take Rabadon's Deathcap as your first item purely because of Veigar's passive which gives him infinitely scaling AP. Every other item is completely up to you. If you get the augment for Wooglet's Witchcap though, take it. It'll give you 300 AP and increase your total AP by 50%, and it gives you the Zhonya's active effect.

Trundle from League of Legends

  • Trundle

    • Trundle is the best champion for Arena, boasting a 61.7% top-two percentage and getting first 32.4% of the time.

    • Trundle is an absolute monster in Arena, you can easily get augments that increase your damage or attack speed making Trundle an unkillable force. Plus, he pairs amazingly with so many other champions. With so many tanks being played in the Arena, having access to Trundle's ultimate is incredibly powerful, you can become omega tanky without even building any tank items!

    • Your first item should be Blade of The Ruined King, followed by a Divine Sunderer, into typical top lane bruiser items such as Ravenous Hydra, Sterak's Gage, Death's Dance, or really anything you feel like taking. Just like Kayn, I'd advise buying Hellfire Hatchet. It's just too good.

Top Duo's

If you've got a duo partner for the Arena, we got you covered. Whether you're looking to win or if you just want to choose a fun combo, I got you. I'm going to be honest, if you pair any champ with any of the three above, you have a pretty good chance to win. But I'll try to include a few other combos.

Trundle and Veigar from League of Legends

  • Veigar and Trundle.

    • I mean, you're taking two of the best champions in the Arena and putting them on the same team. What do you expect? These two, when combined, get first place 49.3% of the time.

    • With this duo, an easy way to crush enemies is to have Veigar put down the cage and then have Trundle make his pillar bump enemies into it. Simple as that. Once they're cc'd, just blow them up! Both of them have insane damage, and Trundle is able to peel enemies off of Veigar while he just spams abilities.

Kayn and Veigar from League of Legends

  • Veigar and Kayn

    • This duo does exceptionally well together for a very different reason than Trundle and Veigar do. Kayn has no cc and won't be as much of a bruiser as Trundle naturally is. These two work together so well because of the sheer amount of damage you are able to do in an instant. As soon as Kayn gets a combo off, Veigar can essentially just press R, and the enemy is dead. There's honestly not much more to it than that.

Kayn and Lillia from League of Legends

  • Kayn and Lillia

    • What could be more frustrating than playing against two enemies that have high movement speed and the ability to run through walls or put you to sleep? Not much honestly. This combo works so well because both Kayn and Lillia have insane movement speed, and augments can take that to even crazier heights. Not to mention, Lillia will burn the enemies down over time, perfect for those tankier enemies, while Kayn will just one-shot everyone else. If you get in trouble, Lillia can just put the enemies to sleep, and bam, all of a sudden, Kayn is full health from one Q and the same goes for Lillia.

Illaoi and Vladimir from League of Legends

  • Illaoi and Vladimir

    • Illaoi has her tentacles that deal damage in an area and heal her every time they hit an enemy. Vlad pairs perfectly with this as he has tons of area of effect abilities, use your R, E, or even W wherever illaoi uses her ult, and it's a surefire way to decimate the enemies. Another variation of this would be Morgana and Illaoi, as Morgana can keep the enemies in place, which is ideal for Illaoi to spam her abilities.

Zed and Gwen from League of Legends

  • Zed and Gwen

    • This combo goes off the same premise as Kayn and Lillia, Zed pops any squishy enemies while Gwen cuts up any of the tankier enemies with her true damage. Plus, Gwen gives Zed the thing he needs most, the ability to not get hit by cc. With her W, Gwen puts down a circle that prevents any allies and herself from being hit by abilities that come from outside the circle. Allowing Zed to stay away from cc and just focus on eliminating enemies.

Master Yi and Taric from League of Legends

  • Master Yi and Taric

    • Master Yi goes brrrr while Taric just presses R. Pretty much all you need to know. The idea is to have Yi build full damage and just have Taric use his Ultimate right off the bat and have Yi kill the two enemies before the Ult times out. It's a ridiculously fun combo if you are playing Yi, not so much for Taric, but it's still so fun to win, so just do it.

Yummi and Leona from League of Legends

  • Yummi and Leona

    • If you don't care too much about fun then go Yummi and Leona. Now this one works amazingly purely due to how tanky Leona is and how much cc she has. Pair that with Yummi's ability to shield allies, and Leona is never going to die. It might not be the most fun because you kind of just sit there and press E as Yummi, while Leona spams every ability she has and just stands there waiting for the fire to consume everyone else. Now not just Yummi gets to enjoy doing other things while playing League!

Alistar and Pyke from League of Legends

  • Alistar and Pyke

    • If you just want to troll your enemies and make their lives hell, trust me, this is the duo for you. With the readdition of Arena to the game, Riot added the ability to resurrect your ally after a short period if you stand in the circle around their body. But with Alistar and Pyke, there is literally no way that the enemy will ever resurrect their ally. Alistar bumps them out, and Pyke yanks them out. If you wonder how you win with these two, just do the same thing but throw enemies into the fire.

All in all, Arena is a stellar game mode to play with friends, and many people wish it would stay permanent. But alas, Riot is taking it away once again on January 8th, 2024. So grind it before it's gone!

Image Credit: Riot Games

The character guide and analysis provided in this blog post are based on the Arena game mode and Champions from 'League of Legends,' which is a property of ©Riot Games.

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